A Health Coach to Help You Feel Great

So many of our modern health problems are influenced by lifestyle—including high blood sugar, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and digestion problems.

As a holistic health coach, I can help you make lasting lifestyle changes so you can reverse medical conditions, have more energy, and be free of pain. As a cooking teacher, I will show you how healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring.

Let’s get you feeling great so you can go back to your sport, play with your kids, travel the world, and do the things that bring you joy!

My Food and Health Journey

Chef Cynthia Liu preparing plates of food at event

Pasta and Pastry Starchatarian

As a vegetarian in my 20s, I didn’t eat many vegetables. Since I avoided meat for animal rights and environmental reasons, my diet was pasta, bread, pastries, and some vegan fake meat. Even with a health background—Stanford human biology degree and job at a medical school—I thought eating healthy was about not eating meat.

Gourmet Omnivore Cooking Teacher

My 30s were spent in the entertainment side of the culinary industry as a food writer, cooking teacher, and working at a culinary school with celebrity chefs. In that world, cooking from scratch was the norm, as was eating a variety of foods, including meat.

Holistic Health Coach and Lifestyle Medicine Educator

In my 40s, working at Stanford Dining and a healthy food service for Google influenced me to eat more vegetables and wake up to the problems with Big Food and industrial farming.

By the time I became a certified health coach and lifestyle medicine educator, I had given away most of my bread-, pasta-, and dessert-making equipment. I also made other lifestyle changes such as prioritizing sleep. As a result, I lowered my blood pressure, triglycerides, and blood sugar, and stopped the progression of a genetic disease.

My story and those of my clients show that metabolic syndrome and other medical conditions can be reversed with a healthy lifestyle that includes enjoying delicious food!

Photo by Vivian Liu - vivliu.com

Ready to Enjoy a Healthy, Active Life?

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Do you want to get healthy while enjoying delicious food?

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